Data Analytics Consulting

Data Analytics Consulting

Data Analytics Consulting

What We Do

“See. Think. Now.”

In today’s data-intensive world managers need to work with data. They need to understand and trust it without overwhelming themselves and their teams. This course develops those data analytical competencies needed today by building on the skills that managers currently have as analysts, communicators, and leaders.

AMS’s business intelligence consulting efforts can range from a single consultant creating a roadmap to implementing a BI solution to full design and development implementing a complete end-to-end BI solution.

Our BI consultants provide comprehensive services that can be extremely important in understanding the critical business metrics and analytics, helping to eliminate wasted time, money and effort, and allows business leaders to make more informed strategic decisions. With these goals in mind, our consulting engagements focus on delivery of a specific work product, whether it’s a strategy or solution, and managing that endeavor to its completion.

AMS’s business intelligence consulting services provide companies and organizations, with minimal risk and a plethora of options when it comes to business intelligence solutions through leveraging open technology-based BI platforms such as IBM Watson, Azure Machine learning and Python.

Related Services

  • BI Planning & Strategy
  • Implementation & Integration
  • Performance Management
  • Process & Reporting Optimization
  • Performance Optimization
  • Data Mining & Benchmarking
  • Data Warehousing Assistance
  • Analysis & Reporting Support
  • Data Visualization Assistance
  • Custom BI Solutions


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Customer centric hit the ground running powerPointless hammer out, so get all your ducks in a row nor high level


Customer centric hit the ground running powerPointless hammer out, so get all your ducks in a row nor high level

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
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