Steven Henein

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Steven Henein

Steven Henein

Partner - Data Analytics

Expert Business data Analyst with over 12 years of experience, working with all channels of business from IT to senior management, to help provide effective and detailed reports on trends derived from a variety of data sources. I am an expert in data mining, gathering and presenting complex data to provide insight and requirements for many major projects. My extensive experience with GIS, Databases, and Reporting have allowed me to successfully analyze and create a variety of value-added solutions to help support major business decisions.

Expert Business data Analyst with over 12 years of experience, working with all channels of business from IT to senior management, to help provide effective and detailed reports on trends derived from a variety of data sources. I am an expert in data mining, gathering and presenting complex data to provide insight and requirements for many major projects. My extensive experience with GIS, Databases, and Reporting have allowed me to successfully analyze and create a variety of value-added solutions to help support major business decisions.


Business Intelligence (Dashboards, SQL Reporting)

Data Science

SAP Business Objects


Rapid Development Methodologies

Software Development Life-cycle

Enterprise Application Enhancements

Business Case Analysis

Budget & Resource Planning Involvement

Virtual & Structured Teams

Scope, Risk & Change Control

BPMN Diagrams

Functional & Technical Specifications

Test Strategies & Case Scenarios

Strategy & Negotiations

Data analytics

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
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