Human Resources Management

Human Resources Management

Human Resources Management

What We Do

We provide complete HR consulting service include:

  • Organization development.
  • HR service assessment
  • Design HR service operating model
  • Training needs assessment
  • Compensation and benefits assessment and design

As the primary strategic HR partners for faculties and departments, we’re committed to providing holistic support to create successful workplaces. Together with HR staff, we provide consultation and advice to employees and leaders on a number of topics including recruitment strategies, organizational effectiveness, strategic reviews and accommodation support.

HR Management will help you:

  • increase your knowledge of HR management;
  • build a solid organizational structure;
  • attract and onboard qualified talent;
  • develop a performance management system;
  • learn how to take disciplinary measures; and
  • ensure your policies and procedures comply with regulations.

Here is our five-step process for strengthening your HR organization:

1. Assess

We meet with you to understand your business and objectives. During this phase, we also:

  • review your current HR approach and materials; and
  • discuss your expectations and agree on a project timeline.

2. Plan

We analyze the HR material you provide so that we can:

  • make recommendations to strengthen your HR practices;
  • develop an action plan to implement our recommendations; and
  • identify which tools must be developed to support your goals.

3. Design

Two modules covering different focus areas are available. You may choose modules 1 and 2, or module 2 alone, depending on your needs:

  • Module 1:
    • Organizational structure and position profiles
    • Employee manual
  • Module 2:
    • Recruiting and onboarding
    • Performance management process
    • Disciplinary procedure

4. Implement

We facilitate two management workshops to ensure your management team understands how to use the new tools, as well as their role as managers.

5. Finalize

We provide you with a final report that summarizes your project and suggests next steps to help you implement your new tools. You also have up to five hours of on-demand virtual support where you can reach us to ask questions or obtain guidance.

Start attracting and motivating qualified talent today!



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Customer centric hit the ground running powerPointless hammer out, so get all your ducks in a row nor high level


Customer centric hit the ground running powerPointless hammer out, so get all your ducks in a row nor high level

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
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