Food Safety BI

Transforming Food supply chain operations

Transforming Food supply chain operations with Power BI

In today’s fast-paced digital marketplace, Retailers and Food Service companies are rapidly adopting technology as a key to optimize their supply chain operations. And JJ Food Service, UK’s leading Food Service specialist, has always been at the forefront of leveraging cutting-edge technologies in everything it does. Recently, the company utilized…
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Transforming Food Supply Chain Operations

Transforming Food Supply Chain Operations with Business Intelligence

In today’s fast-paced world, everybody wants to adopt rapidly growing technology to optimize their business operations. Microsoft Power BI based business intelligence solutions enable the customer’s supply chain and operating team to manage their food delivery operations seamlessly. The interactive and innovative BI supply chain dashboards unlock critical business insights on…
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Improve Your Food Business

Improve Your Food Business with Power BI

It is not easy to run a food business, whether a restaurant or an essential supply chain entity. Food and beverage professionals are responsible for managing food quality, stock quantity, team dynamics, equipment monitoring, and overall business performance. It sometimes seems impossible to ensure everything is always running smoothly. Still,…
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how to analyze CAPAs

13 Steps to Creating a Risk-Based CAPA Process

What does it mean to create a risk-based CAPA process? How should companies go about it? Companies can create a risk-based CAPA process and be compliant with the latest revision of ISO 13485:2016 updates to ISO 13485. A key question many ask is, how do you convert what you have into…
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Corrective and Preventive Actions (CAPA)

Inspectional Objectives Decision Flow Chart Narrative Medical Device Reporting Inspectional Objectives Decision Flow Chart Narrative Corrections & Removals Inspectional Objectives Decision Flow Chart Narrative Medical Device Tracking Inspectional Objectives Decision Flow Chart Narrative Corrective and Preventive Actions (CAPA) Inspectional Objectives Verify that CAPA system procedure(s) that address the requirements of…
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Risk-based CAPA

Risk-based CAPA and the Drive for Continuous Improvement

No matter the industry, if you are a member of a Quality Affairs team, you know that a Corrective and Preventive Action (CAPA) system provides a wealth of information regarding the quality of your organization’s products and processes. However, few companies fully leverage the power of this tool to realize…
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Maintaining Food Safety Standards During a Pandemic

So this pandemic that started in March 2020 has really disrupted the lives of everyone, but one thing that hasn’t changed is the need for food safety. Food safety is a priority for customers, specifiers, brand owners and ultimately for consumers. The challenges that the pandemic brought about were immediate.…
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Food Safety Culture

How to Develop a Food Safety Culture

A successful food safety culture is the product of individual and group values, attitudes, competencies and patterns of behavior that determine the commitment to, and the style and proficiency of the food safety management system. Senior management should plan for the development and continuing improvement of a food safety culture.…
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Measuring Food Safety Culture

Measuring Food Safety Culture

Throughout the 21st century, it is estimated that the number of foodborne illnesses increased due to continual change in production methods, processes, and practices, as well as by changes in consumption habits. According to World Health Organization (WHO), an estimated 600 million—nearly 1 in 10 people worldwide—fall ill after eating…
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Food Safety Culture

Food Safety Culture: How can you measure it?

For Food Safety 2.0 the purpose has to come from within, knowing that everyone (food industry workers) assumes their share of responsibility to ensure that people don’t fall ill or die from consuming unsafe food. Responsible food workers have to do it every day, even when no one is watching!…
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Most important food safety KPIs

Last month we reached out to our readers to ask about what they consider some of their most important food safety KPIs and tell us about the different reports they are preparing on a regular basis. 15 active people responded to our blog post and we got a lot of…
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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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