Sports BI

The Top 8 KPIs Fitness Studios Are Measuring Today

Key Performance Indicators (aka KPI’s) are financial tools used to measure the effectiveness or profitability of your studio business. Most of these KPI’s are applicable to almost any business, but some are unique, or have greater relevance, to fitness studios. And, if you have the right gym management software seeing…
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How Can Artificial Intelligence Change Sports

The world is constantly moving forward and people and organizations all across the world are finding new solutions that will help us simplify everyday processes. Over the years we’ve seen advancements in every industry, but the biggest leap into the future comes from the tech industry. Technology is advancing at…
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3 Steps for Using KPIs to Train With Intent

Every athlete has different needs and areas they can improve, and using key performance indicators will give you an easy guide for how you need to train your athletes. Here at Varsity House Gym—given the different sports, ages, and ability levels of the athletes who come to us—we have established…
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