Month: February 2021

Change Management

7 Fundamental Change Management Models

Change Management Models Lewin’s change management model: A 3-step approach to change behavior that reflects the process of melting and reshaping an ice cube. ADKAR model: A people-centered approach to facilitate change at the individual level. Kotter’s 8-step change model: A process that uses employee’s experience to reduce resistance and…
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AI Education

Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education: Applications, Promise and Perils, and Ethical Questions

What are the benefits and challenges of using artificial intelligence to promote student success, improve retention, streamline enrollment, and better manage resources in higher education? What is artificial intelligence? In any discussion of artificial intelligence (AI), this is almost always the first question. The subject is highly debated, and I won’t go…
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Machine Learning and Higher Education

Machine Learning and Higher Education

Software is eating the world, so said Marc Andreesen in 2011.1 These days it seems that machine learning and its specialized algorithms are eating the software world.2 Is it thus a foregone conclusion that machine learning will play a significant role in disrupting technology and shaping our future? Machine learning concerns teaching…
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KPI Examples in Higher Education

KPI Examples in Higher Education

KPI Basics: A “KPI” is a Key Performance Indicator, or in other words something that we can track or measure.  An example of a KPI in higher education is Student-to-Faculty Ratio.  This is a number, that varies from year to year, that represents the number of faculty that work at…
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Most important KPI

Higher Education KPIs – Most Commonly Used KPIs

Higher education KPIs are measurable values used by educational institutions to measure and track their progress on specific business objectives. Furthermore, these KPIs help education institutions monitor and evaluate how well they’re performing, and direct their policy formulation and target setting. We’ve been compiling a whole bunch of KPI examples…
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