KPI Examples in Higher Education

KPI Examples in Higher Education

KPI Basics:

A “KPI” is a Key Performance Indicator, or in other words something that we can track or measure.  An example of a KPI in higher education is Student-to-Faculty Ratio.  This is a number, that varies from year to year, that represents the number of faculty that work at the University compared to the number of students enrolled at the University.  Many say that this key ratio represents the quality of teaching in a University.  The idea is that students are better off if there are more faculty members working there.  Students will get more attention, there will be more choices in terms of classes, and there will be more opportunities for collaboration or advising with faculty.  Most, if not all, universities track this ratio, and therefore it also provides an easy method to compare universities to each other.  This type of KPI can be easily measured and tracked with data that the university already tracks within their administrative systems.  Some KPI’s can be tracked with external data, such as surveys.  In the US, we have the National Survey for Student Engagement,, where this central organization distributes surveys to students, collects the information, and then provides assessments and feedback to the university.  KPI’s can be used to determine changes within the university or to compare with a group of peer universities.

Who uses KPI’s?

I have seen KPI’s used in varying degrees by different universities.  Of course, most universities are required to track some KPI’s for external compliance purposes as well as internal management.  KPI tracking is often a part of a Performance Management initiative, where the university wants to standardize on a broad set of metrics across all areas of the organization.  In other words, they want to go from sporadic pockets of KPI tracking (perhaps in spreadsheets/offline systems), to formally establishing KPI’s, setting targets for each KPI, and benchmarking against peers – across all colleges/departments and using data directly based on administrative system sources.  Sometimes, the “drive to measurement” starts with a new Provost or President, who has effectively used KPI’s before.

Any discussion of KPI’s should be tempered with some reality.  KPI’s cannot possibly encapsulate every different angle that is important to each constituent of a university.  Even if we equip a car with the latest gadgetry and on-board computers, we will still need a driver to decide where we are going and to get us there safely.  KPI’s and performance management systems can be effective tools, but they still require the right people to translate the results into the right course of actions.

KPI Examples in Higher Education:

Here is a pretty good list of KPI’s that I have gathered from speaking and meeting with various universities.  Hopefully this will be useful for you, and I welcome your thoughts about KPI’s in Higher Education.

I have structured the KPI’s so they fall under a perspective and then an objective.

Academic Perspective

Student Success: Recruit, retain, graduate the best students Student Recruitment Metrics:
Freshman Inquiries
Freshman   Conversion
Freshman   Applications
Freshman   Selectivity
Freshman Accepted
Freshman Yield
Freshman Enrolled
SAT/ACT Score   Quality
 Top 10% Rank in Class
Discount Rate
 % of Financial Need Met
Graduation Metrics:
Degrees Conferred
% of Students   Gaining Employment within x months
Retention Metrics:
4-Year Graduation   Rate
5-Year Graduation   Rate
6-Year Graduation   Rate
1-year Retention   Rate
Graduate Student Metrics:
# of Research   Assistants
GRE Quantitative   Score


Provide Quality Academic Programs and Support Services %   of Course Sections with an enrollment of 20 or less
%   of Course Sections with an enrollment of 50 or more
Passing   Rate for National Licenses or Exams (e.g. Nursing, Pharmacy, Law, etc)
Academic   Support Spending per Student Headcount
Instructional   Spending per Student Headcount
Student   Participation in Study Abroad


Attract and retain outstanding faculty/staff Faculty-to-Student   Ratio
Average   Faculty Salary and Benefits
Employee   Satisfaction
Faculty   Tenure Rate
Number   of Endowed chairs and professorships
Staff   Turnover Rate
Staff   participation in central HR training

Financial Perspective

Optimize Expenditures Administration   Spending per Student
Departments   exceeding budget
Number of   Financial Shadow Systems
Complete all   capital projects on-time
Advancement and Endowment Average Alumni   Giving Rate
% of Campaign   Goal Pledged
% of Campaign   Goal Collected
Endowment per   Student Headcount
Remain Compliant A-21 Audit   Findings
Cost of   compliance as % of budget
Laboratory Safety   Violations
OFAC Compliance   Violations
Time to close   fiscal year (in weeks)
Violations of   OSHA, HFPA, BOCA, NRC, and FDA

Research Perspective

Increase Funded Research Contracts   and Grants Funding Awarded
NIH   Grants Funding Awarded
Number   of Patents Issued
Proposal   Success Rate
Provide Adequate Research Facilities New   Lab space available for research
Laboratory   Safety Violations
Sq   Ft of Incubator Space
Increase Faculty Scholarly Activities Members   of National Academies
Number   of publications or performances in national outlets
#   of Tenured Faculty

Campus and Community Perspective

Improve Campus Life #   of Public Safety Officers
Campus   Wireless Network Coverage
NSSE   Supportive Campus Environment
Number   of Students graduating late due to course availability
Community   Perception Survey Score
Support Integrity and Service to Community Funding   for Public Services Initiatives
Student   Awareness of Code of Ethics
Support superior athletics Graduation   Rate for Freshman Student athletes
Placement   in Directors Cup
 Student Participation Rate in Intramural   Athletics or  Sports Clubs
Reduce   CO2 Emissions to Target
Promote and Enhance   Sustainability %   of Space LEED Certified
%   Spend with “Sustainable” Vendors
By: Craig Kennedy






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