Healthcare Dashboard Examples And Components


When it comes to a healthcare report that yields results, there are a host of metrics or KPIs that can help improve the overall efficiency of your institution. Here we’re going to explore the main areas of value:

Hospital KPI dashboard

Hospital analytics gathered on a healthcare report


While there is a wealth of data available to modern healthcare providers and institutions, with so much generated from a number of different departments, specific key metrics can become fragmented, causing many important insights to remain unused or untapped.

For transparency, efficiency, and to ensure every element of data is used to its maximum potential, a centralized hospital KPI dashboard is the greatest ally in your quest for success.

Main hospital dashboard KPIs

  • Treatment costs: An economic management-based KPI that helps healthcare providers calculate the amount of money an average patient costs.
  • ER waiting time: The ER waiting time KPI measures the length of time a patient arrives in the ER right through to the moment they see a physician. This metric needs to be monitored closely over time to identify trends and iron out any odd spikes in wait time.
  • Patient wait time: The length of time a patient has to wait for treatment or consultancy is a critical factor in patient contentment levels. This KPI quantifies and displays the average length of time a patient has to wait from registration to treatment. By reducing wait times, you stand to increase your patient satisfaction levels in a big way.

Patient satisfaction dashboard

Patient satisfaction healthcare report

The potential showcase of your facility, the patient satisfaction dashboard helps to translate the efforts you put in welcoming and treating your patients in addition to the degree of safety in which you carry out your patient-facing tasks.

Insights of this nature can help significantly improve the safety of your practices as well as your levels of communication with the people passing in and out of your doors. Patient satisfaction is of vital importance, so it’s worth measuring.

Main patient satisfaction KPIs

  • Patient satisfaction: A top priority for any healthcare organization, the patient satisfaction KPI provides a deeper look at overall satisfaction levels based on wait time, nutrition, care and processes. A mix of patient feedback and valuable satisfaction-based metrics will help you make all-important changes to your organization, helping you to improve satisfaction levels on a consistent basis.
  • Patient safety: A pivotal component of any healthcare reporting dashboard, this particular KPI provides a deeper understanding of your institution’s capacity to deliver quality care to its patients, keeping them safe from contracting new infections, postoperative complications, or any form of sepsis.
  • Patient waiting time: This will provide the same data and insights as the same KPI metric included in the hospital KPI dashboard.

Hospital performance dashboard

Healthcare report displaying hospital analytics metrics to monitor the performance of the facility

By leveraging the power of clear cut targets and pre-defined outcomes, the hospital performance dashboard offers the kind of visualizations that can significantly enhance all key areas of your healthcare institution.

From patient care right through to staff management, this centralized data source provides the information you need to ensure your institution is a sustainable success.

Main hospital performance dashboard KPIs

  • Average hospital stay: An overall measurement of the time spent, on average, by a patient admitted to your institution.
  • Readmission rates: The readmission rate KPI offers an insight into the number of patients that return to your institution shortly after being released. This KPI is particularly effective as it provides a gauge on the level of care that has been offered as well as how it can be enhanced.
  • Costs by payer: An insight that evaluates the distribution of costs among various organisms, costs by payer assesses the healthcare providers that are covering the care of your patients. By understanding this metric, you can gain priceless insights into overall patient satisfaction as well as cost efficiencies.


“The price of light is less than the cost of darkness.”

Arthur C. Nielsen, Market Researcher & Founder of A.C.Nielsen

The wealth of healthcare data available today means that no longer do vital organizations like yours have to shoot in the dark to enhance patient care and make critical decisions; in this digital age we have a deeper dimension of vision than ever before. Healthcare is one of the world’s most valuable services, and by gathering the right information from the right sources and understanding how to use it to your advantage, you have the power to make the daily lives of your staff, partners, and patients the best they can be. And, you can’t put a price on that.

By: Mona Lebied

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